Part 1: Playing with Syringes
Update 01: Playing with Syringes
The pre-menu video is chock full of spoilers, so well go right to the title screen.

New Game and Load Game are self-explanatory. Options lets you change the controls. Movie Preview lets you replay any cutscenes youve already seen. Its all fairly standard stuff, so lets cut to the chase and start a new game. Click here to watch the intro and marvel at the

The camera starts at street level and slowly pans forwards and up.

Chaotic images flash across the screen.

The perspective shifts to inside the room, where a teenage boy is strapped to an operating table.

Robotic arms tipped with hypodermic needles slide down towards Rion.

The arms descend

and inject him with some rather nasty-looking chemicals!

The two scientists meet up to confer, but little do they know

Rion is psychically unscrewing his restraints right under their noses.

One of the scientists leaves, allowing the camera to focus on the central monitor.

The security footage reveals that Rion has fully freed himself, and the cutscene gives way to gameplay.

We begin in some kind of operating room / isolation chamber.

Pressing the circle button brings up the map, which will prove very helpful for the first half of the game. Rooms that we have visited will be highlighted in blue, and the room we are currently in will flash periodically.

The X button lets us examine things. Examining the operating table reveals that Rion has come down with a nasty case of jRPG protagonist syndrome.

In any case, getting out of here is probably a good idea. Lets try the door.

Hmm. Not to worry - the map shows that theres another door nearby.

Dang. Well, I guess we better look around for something that might help us.

This desk with an ominous glowing red light seems like a good start.

Aha! Scattered documents - that old survival horror standby. Lets give them a read.

Well. Thats quite a lot of information. The medical staff notes provide details on the various PPECs, or Psychic Power Enhancing Chemicals, that well be coming across in the future. From the previous cutscene we know that Rion has been injected with Nalcon and Red, but these notes also indicate that hes received Melatropin - and that one of its effects is psychometry.

Psychometry is triggered by pressing the triangle button. Rion will raise his right hand, and if the object in question can be affected youll either read the object for a brief scene or perform a minor act of telekinesis.

Reading the operating table gives us a creepy image, but there are other things we can examine for more useful information.

A locked drugs cabinet can be found near the northern door. Its locked, but if we use psychometry

We get a quick visual clue as to where the key might be.

Anyway, lets put our newfound power to the test and crack open this door. Click here to watch the scene.

Rion raises his hand and focuses.

Unable to withstand the invisible forces acting on it, the door unlocks and snaps open.

Come on, Rion. The medical papers told you its from all the weird drugs theyve been pumping you full of.

With the door open we can escape, but I think we can save that for the next update. Join me next time, where well be fighting our first enemies and exploring more of Michaelangelo Memorial Hospital.